Sunday, January 13, 2008

What a ...Huh Tummy Wants ?

Hi! Honestly speaking this was not my first choice for the blog name ... well looking for what a women wants and getting what a tummy wants isnt exactlly simillar. But here we go , destiny has it way .... what name would be better for a person who daunts at food blogs for hours together.

In certain way i find myself connecting to REMY ( Ratatoille ) .. the joy he found in discovering a wild mushroom and cheese and rosemary , is something i derive from EATING !. Though not a cook ( as of now ) , there is a sense of euphoria when you put together the fresh ingredient to create something out of your hands .

But this blog is MOre than That , its about all the things we Women love ...from the much obvious Shopping to the hidden simple joys of Life ... like Rain and Hot Cuppa , Children and Laughter , Ice - Cream and Choclate ...even Fever and kichidi .

Keep LIFE Alive !!

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